By Law all heavy goods vehicles are required to be fitted with a tachograph. From 2006 all lorries are fitted with digital tachographs. The older analogue tachographs can still be used on older lorries. Tachographs work by recording the speed, distance and time a driver has been working as well as rest days. This to to help prevent lorry drivers working for too many hours or at dangerous speeds. It is important that the details on the Tachograph are kept unto date. If you need to change your address or other details you will need in inform your local council, who can update these. If you are new driver your company can apply for a tachograph on your behalf, or they may ask you to sign up and it is your responsibility to ensure your tachograph is entered before you drive any HGV. If you forget to use yours you may be fined ad will almost certainly face disciplinary action.
GPS Satellite Tracking Is A Must For Logistics
Monitoring movement of your freight will allow minute by minute tracking of products and orders allowing for smoother more efficient transportation of goods between supplier and customer, whilst using multi-drop loads to maximise the potential profit of each route of your fleet.
GPS monitoring technology uses monitoring software compatible with your industries requirements. GPS tracking will not only monitor the goods, but also the drivers. This gives them the ownest on them to be safe whilst being efficient.
GPS systems are a factor in reducing vehicle theft. The tracker works by sending out a signal the moment a vehicle is moved to enable it to be tracked in real-time. These can be fitted to car, vans and lorries.
Logistics tracking is a complex procedure with the training required to understand the aspects of what can be achieved with the correct knowledge and understanding.
Once you have the knowledge, logistics tracking is a must!

Why a Tracking App can better manage your sales reps on the road
A tracking app can be frowned upon in some situations, especially the workplace, and that’s because it can make your members of staff feel as though they are not trusted. That shouldn’t the case though, and if anything it means you’re able to quickly and easily see where they are so you know whether they’re stuck in traffic, or which shop they’re likely to visit based on their location. It means you don’t have to constantly call them whilst they are driving because this is not safe.
If you trust your employees to do the job to the best of their ability, that’s fine, however, having a tracking app is great for seeing precise information whenever you need it. It’s perfect for sales reps who are frequently on the road, and it’s a simple device which connects to their mobile phone whilst some trackers are fitted to the vehicle.

Why a new lorry requires a new frame of mind
If you’re a lorry driver, experienced or novice, you will already know there can be a big difference from driving one lorry to another. This means when your company decides that it is time for an upgrade, and they give you a shiny new lorry, you need some time to adjust but you also need a new frame of mind too.
The brakes will possibly be sharper and feel different, as will the gears and the steering wheel, so you need to give yourself time to get used to everything. You should also feel more inclined to keep the lorry looking perfect as it’s completely brand new, so braking early and taking more caution is important too. It can take a little while to get a good feel for how the lorry handles, what it’s good at, what it’s bad at, so be patient and get used to it. The more lorries you try, the better they’ll be. With every upgrade, lorries feel newer, sleeker and faster with better brakes, and they handle better too.

A big caution to logistic drivers in Asia
Many logistic drivers have to do some really big jobs from time to time, and driving in Asia could well be on the list, so it’s important to be prepared just in case you’re ever asked to drive in Asia. Firstly, you have to remember that there are going to a lot more bikes on the road, not just cycles and motorbikes but mopeds too, and these aren’t the most powerful vehicles.
That said, they are happy to weave through the traffic and as you’re driving a considerably larger vehicle you have to constantly pass them with caution, and you’re going to have to use your horn to make them aware of your presence a lot more than you would in the UK. You also need to remember that the same rules do not apply, and in Vietnam for example, people don’t always pay attention to red lights or green lights, so always be extra careful and use your mirrors constantly!